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Our hydraulic straightening press is made out of high quality S355JR steel. These models have a movable cylinder and a movable portal / bridge. The movement of the headstock and the frame is motorised for an easy and effortless operation. A motor with frequency inverter and a cogged belt perform the longitudinal displacement of the frame. This feature ensures precise and sensitive movements.
Profi Press straightening presses are equipped with a double acting cylinder. In addition, the plate is machined at the end to adapt tools for specific jobs. Also, it is easily to regulate the cylinder stroke with the end-stroke limit switches or digital NC-control. The two-speed motorized hydraulic unit has an automatic disconnection of the high speed once there is counterpressure.
Operation of these portal presses is done by means of a remote control. The control panel features a switch for selecting the work-mode (manual or semi-automatic). It also contains a manometer and a pressure regulator as well.
We deliver our straightening press with a warranty of two years. Additionally, we produce them with high quality components of well-known brands only. Furthermore, they fulfil the latest CE-regulations to guarantee the highest possible quality.
We can deliver our hydraulic portal presses with several options, such as a flat milled lower table. We can also adapt the dimensions of the press to your requirements. For example, we delivered a 400 ton portal press with a 6 meter table length This project was a BIG success!
Topp kvalitets verkstedpresse som blir produsert i Nederland
Profi Press manuelle verkstedpresser for profesjonelt montering eller rette arbeid. Verkstedpressene er også utmerket for testing av arbeidsstykker. Profi Press verkstedpresser er robust og bygget for […]
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